Once in a while, life knocks us for a loop.
Sometimes it presents itself as the abrupt end to a 15-year marriage. Or maybe it’s a child who refuses to communicate with his parents. It can even be a poor business decision that results in bankruptcy.
Sadly, countless people endure these and other life-changing experiences. While each situation is unique, the initial response from most every one often is “I didn’t see it coming.”
Let’s be honest. There probably had been indications along the way. Signals that, had they been acknowledged, might have prevented the problem from escalating. But in some cases there are no warnings, particularly, when it involves one’s health. One day we’re running 10K, the next we’re on life support.
There’s no telling when life will throw a curve ball at us, or in the case of Sandra, hit us over the head with a sledge hammer.
As a chiropractor for more than 25 years, Sandra was a testament to the benefits of good nutrition, regular exercise and preventative care. She constantly reminded her clients that they should schedule regular adjustments rather than wait until they were forced to crawl on their hands and knees before coming to see her.
When Sandra suffered a massive stroke, and could not practice for a period of time, everyone was surprised to discover she did not have a contingency plan in case she became ill and was unable to work. “I didn’t see it coming,” she said.
Being off work for six months caused a great deal of stress for Sandra’s family, and placed a huge strain on their finances. The loss of six months’ salary was only the beginning. Unfortunately, the stroke brought on a set of unanticipated complications including prescriptions, and hiring a nurse to take care of Sandra’s elderly mother. In total, it cost Sandra’s family nearly $90,000.
Together, Sandra and her husband Michael, an IT manager, earned a healthy salary. They assumed they would be able to manage a financial setback. But when this happened, the family just got back from a summer vacation in Europe, and their investments had taken a hit during the recession.
Coming up with almost $90,000 was a big deal – especially because they didn’t have that kind of money at their disposal. They had no choice but to cash in a large part of their RRSPs and take a big hit on their taxable income. That $90,000 actually cost them $150,000 in RRSPs they needed to cash in.
If Sandra had purchased Critical Illness Insurance, she and Michael could have easily side-stepped many of these financial burdens. With so many plans available, Sandra could have found one that would have given them $100,000 or more in cash when they needed it. With both Sandra and Michael being in great shape, they easily could have been covered for as little as $70 a month.
Life is unpredictable. Often something occurs that we really ‘didn’t see coming.’ Critical Illness Insurance minimizes the risk associated with these events and offers peace of mind. It allows people like Sandra, to think about getting better, not how the bills are going to be paid while they are off sick.
If you believe you’re too healthy to get ill, you can ask for a ‘return of premium’ option to guarantee you will get back every penny you’ve paid in premiums, if you never use your policy.
If you are in your early 50’s or younger, and can qualify, critical illness is one of the best options to minimize the impact of life’s unexpected occurrences.
Ask your ZLC Associate about setting up your Contingency Plan now.